All around the world, Duckweed plagues so many lakes and ponds that if one could think of a way to harvest the nuisance weed for profit, one would be rich! However, as it stands, no one has come up with a way to profit from this little green floating plant and for most lake or pond owners, getting rid of or controlling duckweed is the only way to go if you ever want to see your water again. Luckily, Clipper Herbicide makes it easy to knock down and eliminate Duckweed FAST. So, hold on to your boots and lets see how it works!
Clipper herbicide contains Flumioxazin at a 51% concentration which is more than enough to kill unwanted duckweed on contact. Clipper, like most aquatic weed killer, needs to be sprayed over the target areas in order to maximize effectiveness. Luckily, you will not have to ‘mist’ or ‘coat’ each individual floating duckweed since Clipper spreads out nicely upon hitting water and does so better than many other aquatic weed killers.
For those who are not sure what duckweed looks like, the weed is a small oval shaped elongated weed with a vibrant green color. Duckweed floats freely over the surface of the water and usually begins showing up around the shoreline in early to mid spring. Duckweed has a small stem or root which hangs down below the leaf to drink up fresh nitrogen and other fuels in your pond. By summer, the weed usually covers your entire pond, making it look like a ‘golf course’. Problem is, the lake or pond is NOT a golf course and the weed at that point, needs to go.
Why is Duckweed infesting your water? Well, most of the time, the more ‘welcoming’ your pond is, the more likely you will wind up with a duckweed infestation. By ‘welcoming’, we mean, rich and friendly for growth. You see, as lakes and ponds age, years and years of sludge and muck develop in the base of the pond. This buildup is rich in organic fuels consisting of nitrogen, phosphates and micronutrients that plants just love! Think of it as if you were to toss food scraps into your garden soil. Over time the soil would help promote phenomenal plant growth and the same holds true for lakes and ponds.
Once you have the duckweed eradicated and under control, the best thing you can do to help reduce fuels and balance out the ponds ecosystem is to add a powerful bacteria digester. Aquatic sludge and muck digesters have the ability to rapidly breakdown that thick compost sitting on the bottom of your pond and will bring down the fuels to help make your water less inviting to problems. Bacteria additives should be applied heavily at first to bring down nitrate and phosphate levels. After the initial heavy dose stage, regular bi-monthly treatments should be administered to assure that your rich much is breaking down at optimal speeds.
After you have successfully eliminated duckweed from your lake or pond, maintaining your water is crucial to help stabilize things and assure that your pond looks like a pond, an not a golf course. Duckweed is often carried into ponds by birds, animals and small reptiles such
Many companies offer aquatic control assistance and will help guide you as far as treatment guidelines and quantities go. Once such firm is NewTechBio which offers nationwide coverage. NewTechBio carries a full line of Clipper herbicide products and is available at their website , by phone 800-509-0927 or by email at