Nominated leader in it’s class. Ultra Powerful Clipper Herbicide™ destroys weeds and algae fast so that you can enjoy your pond now!
Completely eliminate Duckweed, Watermeal, Milfoil, Algae and so much more. Clipper™ takes care of infestations fast and asks questions later!
Whether you’re dealing with floating algae or severe subsurface weed growth, Clipper™ delivers unrivaled rapid control without breaking the bank!
”"Before Clipper our only options were slow acting Fluridone and a few knock-down killers that didn’t last long. We now manage growth way faster than before and the control lasts! Less follow up equals less chem’s going into the water and that keeps costs down for the client. A win-win for everyone."
Jerry “Skitter" Whitman, aquatic specialist – Whitman Remediation, Inc.

Clipper™ vs. Fluridone
For many years, Fluridone has somewhat held the title as being the best herbicide product on the market to eradicate watermeal and duckweed, and has been used in countless ponds and lakes around the world. One downfall though is – Fluridone is a systemic type herbicide, meaning, it has to stay in the water for a fairly prolonged period of time while the plants ‘drink’ the chemical which leads to eradication. This process can take up to 90 days and in some situations, heavy runoff or too much evaporation can displace large amounts of pond water causing the concentration of fluridone to diminish. If this occurs and the fluridone does not remain in contact with the target plant at specific levels in the water, the chemical can fail to eliminate the target weed, leading to treatment failure.
As fluridone is very expensive, watching your treated water leave your lake or pond can be very disheartening. Others need rapid eradication so that their pond looks ‘just right’ for an upcoming event or gathering. Since no two ponds are identical, trying to ‘guess’ when the effects of fluridone will kick in can be a gamble. Clipper is known as a ‘contact’ herbicide. Contact herbicides generally work much faster than systemic herbicides such as fluridone.
Clipper shows signs of plant eradication within hours of application and generally yields a complete kill within 7 to 14 days and is applied in almost the same identical way as fluridone. Once the surface of your lake or pond is sprayed, duckweed and watermeal begin to disappear rapidly. Most surface growth completely dies off within 14 days. While both products have their advantages, Clipper can handle flowing water situations much better than liquid fluridone treatments. Liquid fluridone is normally not recommended in waters where there is movement or fair outflow. On the other hand, Clipper is fast acting, kills quickly and is not affected by situations where flow might otherwise inhibit a fluridone treatment.
As a new and innovative treatment for ponds and lakes, Clipper users can normally expect year-long control with only one or two treatments. Also, when killing watermeal, a heavier dose of fluridone is normally needed as watermeal is much harder to eliminate that duckweed. Clipper on the other hand is a ‘one size fits all’ type of contact killer. Whether you are going after duckweed or watermeal, Clipper is applied at the same rate regardless of weed type.
In summary, if your pond is covered in Duckweed or Watermeal, and you have an event planned at your location “7 days from now”, Clipper will quickly eliminate the weed and any most likely comments such as “Wow! What’s that all over your pond?”.
Unfortunately, Clipper™ Does Not Take Hostages!
Clipper herbicide Magically Eliminates the Following Nuisance Aquatic Weeds:
Sago Pondweed
Water Pennywort
Alligator Pondweed
CurlyLeaf Pondweed
Water Fern
Water Lettuce
Clipper’s Performance vs. Others
Clipper Herbicide Application
So, take charge of your pond or lake this season with Clipper, and see how fast it works and how beautiful your water can look with the proper treatment product.
Ordering Clipper
Before using, feel free to call for free consultation on Clipper to
View Clipper’s Label and SDS
Clipper Label Clipper Herbicide SDS
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